Weeks before exams, seniors in Smansa are obligated to show a play. Fucking great because I don't have any blood of Brad Pitt or Robert Downey Jr. My career in theater was so dreadful (
If my Monsa's not counted), so it'll be a damn miracle if I play perfectly. Here we go.
Based on a folklore, my team decided to perform Jaka Tarub. And beside being the King (I love it a lot !), I have to record
NARRATOR. Overwhelmed by fact that my buddies admire my voice (HAHA !), so I just said "HELL YEAHHH !". Really cool at first, but it turned deadly. I talked to the laptop like any crazy man would do. I moved to quieter place like a psycho. I'm depressed of deadline like stuck in Jakarta's traffic jam at 5 pm . I wished I had been a traffic light.
Feeling confused ? So am I ;)
Finally done, then ready for the rehearsal. My crews are good enough, but there's something that I wanna kick their head, literally. Yet I'm a superhero so I won't do that (mulai melenceng)
Here comes pics from my Jaka Tarub and Shara's play (I don't know what's the title but it's about patriotic ghosts). And attention : My costume has made me a boy with
BIG BELLY. Fuck it LOL !

with gita, she asked me to be captured together :)
with a cute ghost sharaThe drama was success, yet a little bit awful.